Victims of Crime

Keloland story on  id theft.

A letter from National Center of Victims of Crime which supports the daughter is a victim of crimes committed by Amy Lyngstad. December 30, 2009 she committed more id theft. Link It is a crime contrary to what Judge Anderson and his cohorts think. LINK LINK 2

Judge Anderson’s “Order” again denying a motion. He is too lazy to sign and order and just sends a letter. He condones crime against children period since it is obviously a crime. The Court has a vendetta against him and State government goes along with corrupt Judges. LINK

Also the misconception that the Courts are using their discretionary powers. In this case the State Judges are suspending Federal laws. As for the prosecutor not prosecuting it is not discretionary but abuse of power by the   prosecutor

The South Dakota State Bar is a joke. Since there are only 39 Judges in the State it is in their best interests to keep the public in the dark about the corruption in the State Courts.

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